Free Valuation Report with Premium Service.
At Rolleston Caravans Workshop we offer Motorhome Habitation Service. Habitation service is recommended to be done once a year.
The time required to complete a motorhome service is a minimum of 7 hours. No extra repairs will be carried out unless approved by the owner.
Habitation Service fee: $699.
- Worry-free WOF: $200.
- Flushing fresh water tanks (including chemicals) per tank: $250.
- Flushing grey water system (including chemicals) per tank: $350.
- We offer an invasive moisture reading service if you are concerned about water leaks in your RV. Talk to our technicians about this service.
Habitation Service Includes:
- Underbody:
- Underslung tanks and pipes - check condition and security, check for leaks.
- Bodywork:
- Doors and windows - check operation of all locks, catches, stay&seals.
- Roof - check condition of roof lights, seals and general condition of roof. Check for mold.
- Body attachments - check security of any ladders, cycle racks, lockers, aerials, sat dish, etc.
- Cab seats - check operations (swivel or bed configuration).
- Grab handles - check security and sealing.
- Number plate - check it is secured.
- Check REGO (+paid km for diesel).
- Check WOF (+when the next mechanical service due).
- Floor - check for sponginess/delamination.
- Furniture - check condition and operation of all furniture doors, handles and fixings.
- Wiper blades - check.
- Check overall Body Condition.
- Blinds and fly screens - check condition, tension, operation and material.
- Visually check (where possible) internal walls and ceiling for the water leak marks (invasive moisture test after the owner approval only).
- Electrical System:
- Road lights and reflectors - check condition and operation.
- Battery - check condition of battery and compartment and record idle voltage.
- Battery - check and top up level if required and perform high discharge test.
- Fridge-check operation from 12v (RV engine running)(ELV).
- Fridge-check 230v (LV).
- Interior lighting&equipment - check operation and fuse rating.
- Awning light - check operation.
- Wiring earths - check for defects on all ELV circuits (visual).
- LV inlet plug and extension lead - check condition and resistance across connection pins.
- Earth bonding - visual inspection.
- RCD unit - check operation of RCD test button and operation of MCB's.
- 230v sockets - carry out plug top polarity test.
- Electric awning and step - check condition and operation.
- Charger - check output charge rate at battery connections.
- Electric hob - check operation (if fitted).
- Boiler - check operation on 230v (if fitted).
- Check operation of all other 230v appliances, bats and luminaries.
- Habitation Air conditioning - check operation (if fitted).
- Check that any additional items fitted are relevant standard.
- Check the electrical certificate.
- Gas system:
- Regulator and Gas hose - check age, performance and security.
- Check Gas Certificate.
- Carry out gas leak check (not the full gas pressure test).
- Gas cylinder or LPG tank - check security.
- Flame failure device (FFD) check operations.
- Cooker - check operation and FFD.
- Heater - check operation and FFD.
- Fridge - check operation and FFD.
- Water heater - check operation and FFD.
- Ensure all gas dispersal vents are clear.
- Water system:
- Water pump and pressure switch - check operation.
- Taps, micro switches, valves, pipes and tanks - check condition and operation.
- Water filter and housing - check for leaks.
- Water system - check for leaks.
- Water tanks - check condition and contamination.
- Toilet - check security, operation of flush pump and lubricate seals.
- Check Self Containment Certificate.
- Ventilation:
- Fixed ventilation - check for obstructions and free airflow.
- Check all fixed ventilation is guarded against vermin ingression.
- Roof skylights - check for cracks, operation and free of obstructions.
- Fire and Safety:
- Smoke and/or carbon monoxide alarm(s) - check operation and dates.
- If a fire extinguisher is fitted check the date.